2025 Schedule / Calendar
April 4-6, 2025 | Course 1 & Beyond Clinic Event Information | Michael Lake Equestrian Centre Ladysmith, BC | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
April 12-14, 2025 | 3L's Horsemanship Clinic Event Information | Horse In Hand Ranch Blackfalds, AB | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
May 3-5, 2025 | Fundamentals & Fun Clinic Event Information | Moose Jaw Exhibition Grounds (Golden Mile Arena) Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
May 14-18, 2025 | James Creek Ranch Camp 2: Foundation Fundamentals | Merritt, BC | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
May 21-25, 2025 | James Creek Ranch Camp 2/3: Purpose | Merritt, BC | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
May 28- June 1, 2025 | James Creek Ranch Camp 3: Finesse & Flexion | Merritt, BC | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
June 20-22, 2025 | Horsemanship, Purpose and Fun Clinic Event Information | Okotoks Ag Society Arena Okotoks, AB | Calgary Regional Trail Riders Assoc. Greg Parsons 403-601-1199 silvereffects@hotmail.com |
July 5-7, 2025 | Course 1 & Beyond Event Information | Pinnacle Stables Surrey, BC | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
August 27-31, 2025 | James Creek Ranch Camp 2: Liberty & Riding Fundamentals | Merritt, BC | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
September 3-7, 2025 | James Creek Ranch: 3 Levels Camp | Merritt, BC | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
September 10-21, 2025 | James Creek Ranch Camp: 3/4 Invitational | Merritt, BC | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
October 3-5, 2025 | Fundamentals & Fun Clinic Event Information | Circle Creek Equestrian Centre Kamloops, BC | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
October 18-20, 2025 | Course 2/3 Liberty & Finesse Riding Clinic Event Information | Horse In Hand Clinic Blackfalds, AB | JFH Office 1-888-533-4353 |
Prefer to learn by being coached? Struggling and need some help from a professional? Come learn from the best!

If you’ve ever been inspired by watching Jonathan with his horses, where he really thrives is helping people with their own horses.
Jonathan Field Horsemanship Clinic
Participation in a Jonathan Field Horsemanship Clinic is an unforgettable and invaluable step in your journey towards horsemanship. In a fun and safe environment, these clinics bring your relationship with your horse to another level. With personal attention and advice from Jonathan to help you both improve, you will progress in ways you can take with you to keep that progression going at home. Also – immersing your horse in a different setting, with many other horses around, is both a great teaching tool and experience for him. Seeing the advancements and experiences of the other riders will allow you to see things from another point of view.
Jonathan Field Horsemanship Clinics are held in 3 or 4 day formats, varying according to the focus of each clinic, and run from the morning until late afternoon each day. There are several different Courses, starting from the very foundational level and advancing through to the highest levels and are for all people looking to learn, laugh, make new friends and develop a great partnership with their horse.
As a spectator, clinics are educational and inspiring for your own journey with horsemanship, as the unique perspective enables you to learn by watching riders and their horses play through different exercises, giving you up to 12 examples of situations you may encounter with your horse.
Interested in attending a clinic as a rider or a spectator? The Clinic Schedule and Clinic Hosts for the current year are located HERE, or you can call us at 1-888-533-4353 for more information.
Look forward to seeing you there!
How do I prepare for my Clinic?
The prerequisites for Jonathan Field Horsemanship Clinics are as follows:
Horses in all Jonathan Field Horsemanship Clinics must be at least 3 years old. No stallions permitted. These are not colt-starting clinics, so the horse you are bringing must accept handling and riding in a group setting.
Rider Requirements/Pre-Requisites: Some introductory knowledge of the Jonathan Field Horsemanship program and principles – eg: you have read “The Art of Liberty Training for Horses” book and/or have watched Ground DVD 1 from the Natural Foundation Home Study Program. You must be comfortable riding at the walk, trot and some canter. Contact your host with any questions.
Horse Requirements/Pre-Requisites: This is NOT a colt-starting clinic. Horse must be 3 years old or older, have at least 40 rides and be ride-able at the walk, trot and some canter. No Stallions permitted. Contact your host with any questions.
Rider Requirements/Pre-Requisites: Course 1 knowledge of the Jonathan Field Horsemanship program and principles – eg: you have read “The Art of Liberty Training for Horses” book and/or have watched Ground DVD 1, Ground DVD 2 and Riding DVD 1 from the Natural Foundation Home Study Program. You have received a “Welcome to Course 2” assessment from Jonathan. You must be comfortable riding at the walk, trot and canter. Contact your host with any questions.
Horse Requirements/Pre-Requisites: Must be a solid riding horse who is safe to ride in a group environment and is competent at the exercises in Course 1.
What kind of horse can I bring?
The horse that you are bringing to the clinic must be at least 3 years old.
Keeping everyone’s safety in mind, no stallions are permitted – no exceptions.
These are not colt-starting clinics, so the horse that you are bringing must be one that you can handle safely with 11 other horses around, and that you have ridden at least 40 hours in the past year.
What equipment should I bring?
Course 1 Clinic: Rope halter, 12′ lead rope, Horseman’s stick and string (or equivalent), bridle and/or rope hackamore, saddle, saddle pad. Riding helmets are strongly recommended but not mandatory. Riders under 18 MUST wear a helmet.
Course 2 Clinic: Same as a Course 1 Clinic, but with the addition of a 22′ line
Will equipment be available for purchase at the clinic?
Yes – our full line of equipment will be available for purchase during the clinic.
Please plan on making any purchases in the morning before the clinic starts or during lunch times. Purchases made during the clinic are an unnecessary interruption and disturbance to the other 11 riders.
Can I take photos of the clinic?
All photos taken during the clinic are to be for your personal use only. Jonathan Field Horsemanship clinics are held on private properties, therefore any photo that contains another rider or another horse besides your own are not to be posted or published in any way without prior written consent of the other subject/s. This includes photos of Jonathan, Jonathan’s horses, or any members of the Jonathan Field Horsemanship team. Photos of Jonathan’s teaching material (flip chart) are strictly prohibited.
Can I/my friend record the clinic?
Absolutely no video or audio recording of the clinic is permitted. Anyone caught doing so will be asked to stop and put their camera/phone/iPad/etc away for the duration. Should we have to ask again, that person will be asked to leave the premises. No refunds for rider fees or spectator fees will be given.
What if I sign up for a clinic and have to cancel?
CLINIC DEPOSIT: A $400.00 deposit is required to hold your spot in the clinic. The Clinic Deposit (once accepted) guarantees your spot in the clinic. CLINIC DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE, NON-CREDITABLE AND NON-TRANSFERRABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS.
CLINIC BALANCE: Clinic Balance payments are due 60 Days before the first day of the clinic. This includes any amount owing for stabling. If paying your clinic deposit by cheque, please include a credit card number OR include a post-dated cheque for your balance payment. CLINIC BALANCE PAYMENTS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERRABLE, AND CAN ONLY BE APPLIED TO A CREDIT.
CANCELLATION: If you cancel out of the clinic at any time, the $400 Deposit is forfeited – NO EXCEPTIONS. If you have already made your balance payment, an additional $50 administration fee will be charged and the remaining amount will be applied to a Jonathan Field Horsemanship Credit. Credits are valid for one calendar year and can be used to purchase Jonathan Field Horsemanship DVDs or equipment. Credits can also be applied to another clinic or camp if space allows.
Will there be food available for purchase at the clinic?
Please contact the clinic Host to confirm the availability of food & drink onsite at the event.
Can I purchase feed for my horse at the clinic?
No – you will be responsible for providing feed/grain for your horse during the clinic. Should unexpected circumstances arise, your clinic host will be able to direct you to the closest feed store.
How many riders are in each clinic?
The maximum number of riders in a clinic is 12-13, depending on the size of the arena.
We keep the clinic at this size so that Jonathan can ensure he’s able to spend one-on-one time with each horse and rider.
Will Jonathan be teaching the clinic himself?
Yes – there are no Jonathan Field Horsemanship instructors other than Jonathan himself. If Jonathan has an assistant working and travelling with him, he may ask that person to step in for some momentary support for a rider, but this is done only under Jonathan’s direction and guidance.
Camps at James Creek Ranch
A Horsemanship experience like no other

Nestled in a secluded valley at the base of the Cascades Mountain range outside Merritt, British Columbia. James Creek Ranch is an example of Mother Nature at her finest. Situated on 600 spectacular acres, the James Creek slowly meanders its way across the ranch. This ranch, coupled with the Jonathan Field Horsemanship Program, offers individuals an educational horsemanship experience like no other.
Camps are the ultimate opportunity to completely immerse yourself in developing your horsemanship. The ranch offers an open, more challenging environment where you can learn the practical application of the Field Horsemanship Program. Your experiences and education venture far outside an arena. The focus is highly purpose-oriented experiences for you and your horse, framed by a magnificent horizon of fenced pastures, open meadows and beautiful trails. Jonathan Field teaches you directly at all camp experiences. All camps are beyond Course 1 and riders must meet prerequisites to attend.
As James Creek Ranch is Jonathan and his father’s private ranch, the camps are for registered riders only and are not open to the public, allowing you an even more exclusive learning opportunity surrounded by people who share your goals.
Riders at the camps are invited to stay at the ranch and can bring their camper, tent, trailer or stay in the bunkhouse! With a shower house and fully equipped riders’ lodge on site, evenings are spent visiting with friends, hanging around the campfire, talking about horses and how your day went, and maybe even singing a cowboy song or two. Your horse will be comfortable and at ease in one of the individual 16′ x 16′ pens.
James Creek Ranch Camps are not open to spectators.
Can’t wait to see you there!
Where is the James Creek Ranch located?
The James Creek Ranch is located 20 minutes west of Merritt, BC (three hours from Vancouver). Directions to the ranch are sent to riders upon confirmation of participation.
What facilities are at the Ranch?
The James Creek Ranch offers riders the ability to get comfortable and feel at home during their stay.
– The Riders’ Lodge features a full kitchen (microwave, stove, oven, toaster, barbecue, dishes, cutlery, cooking utensils and two full-sized fridges for riders to keep their food in).
– The bunkhouse has three separate rooms with a large common area and each room has 2 beds. You can book yourself into either a shared or private room in the bunkhouse (based on availability).
– Trailer parking is located close to the horse pens and there is electric and water hook-up available for each. Dry camping (no hook-ups) is in the same area.
– The Shower House has 4 separate bathrooms, each with a sink, toilet and shower.
– Your horse will be comfortable in one of the 16′ x 16′ pens, separated 5′ away from his/her closest neighbour.
– Forks and wheelbarrows are provided. Please bring your own water and feed buckets.
How can I attend a Camp at James Creek Ranch
All Camps at James Creek Ranch are beyond Course 1. This means that you must have successfully completed Course 1 (either at a Course 1 Clinic or Course 1 Video Assessment), and have attended at least one Course 2 clinic with the horse you are bringing to the ranch. Horses must be 3 years old or older and be solid riding horses. Stallions are not permitted. As individual situations can vary, please contact us for any concerns.
Telephone/Cellular/Internet at the Ranch
There is no telephone, cellular or internet service at the ranch.
In case of an emergency, there is a phone in the family home but this is not available for use otherwise.
Cellular service can be reached about a ten minute drive down the mountain from the ranch.
During trail rides, Jonathan keeps a wireless CB radio with him in case of an emergency.
Can I bring an extra horse to the ranch?
Yes – we do have some extra pens for additional horses. We don’t have enough for all riders to bring an extra horse, though, so please confirm your needs with us at time of booking so we can reserve for you.
Can I bring a friend to my Camp?
Camps are not open to spectators. You are welcome to bring a spouse or, if you’re under 19, a guardian to the ranch. This person may or may not observe the lessons that are held close to the lodge, but will have to remain behind when riders go to the trails everyday. He/she will not be permitted to ride at the ranch at any time.
As there is no cellular service at the ranch, we also ask that they not venture far from base camp either on foot, bicycle, quad, dirt-bike, etc. alone at any time – there are several sighting of bears and cougars around the ranch every year and we can’t guarantee their safety. Should they wish to hike, quad, etc while you are riding, there are numerous provincial areas within driving distance to the ranch that they can visit.
Horse Requirements and Care
Before you bring your horse to the ranch, please ensure you have a Coggins test done. We will need to see this before or upon your arrival at the ranch.
The following vaccinations are for YOUR HORSE’s protection and are highly recommended by Jonathan Field Company Ltd.
– Rhinopneumonitis/Influenza
– Nasal Strangles (Fort Dodge) Pinnacle
– West Nile
However, since the Province of British Columbia does not require these vaccines for entry into the province, Jonathan Field Company Ltd. will waive the requirement for Camp Participants, provided an additional release and indemnification is properly executed (this will be provided with Rider packages).
Due to the rocky terrain on the trails, shoes are highly recommended. If you choose not to shoe your horse, boots will be required.
Bring bug spray for both your horse and yourself!
There are veterinary offices and farriers around the Merritt area should these services be required during your stay.
Photos and Recording
Any photos that you take during your stay at the ranch are for your personal use only, and are not to be posted or published in any way without prior written consent of all subjects in the photo. The James Creek Ranch is a private property so any photographs taken there do not count as Public Domain.
Absolutely no audio or video recording of any kind is permitted at the James Creek Ranch. Should a guest/rider be seen recording, they will be asked to stop and put their device away. Should we need to ask again, that person will be asked to leave the premises. No refunds will be given in this instance.
Meal Plans at the Ranch & Potluck
In the past, we have had the opportunity to offer riders the option of paying extra to have dinners provided during their stay at the Ranch. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to offer this as an option.
On the Friday evening of each camp, we will have a Potluck at the lodge. All riders are invited to bring a dish and join.
Otherwise, plan to bring your own food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Food can be kept and prepared in the Lodge.
What Equipment should I bring?
For all Camps at James Creek Ranch, please bring the following:
– Rope Halter
– 12′ Lead
– Horseman’s Stick (or equivalent)
– 6′ Horseman’s String (or equivalent)
– Saddle
– Saddle Pad
– Bridle and/or Rope Hackamore
– Riding Helmets are recommended for all but are mandatory for riders under 18.
Add an additional 6′ Horseman’s String, an additional Horseman’s Stick and a 45′ Line for Camp 3 and Purpose Camp
What else should I bring to the Ranch?
Here’s a list of items that you may find helpful to have with you at the ranch:
– Notepad and Pen
– Bicycle (for treks to the Shower House)
– Insect Repellant
– Hat
– Sunglasses
– Rain Gear
– Blanket/s and Pillow (if you’re staying in the Bunkhouse)
– Comfy lawn chair
– Sunscreen
– Towels
– Toiletries
Are Lease Horses Available?
We don’t currently have a lease horse available at the Ranch. This does vary, though, so please contact us for confirmation.
What if I sign up for a Camp and have to cancel?
CAMP DEPOSIT: A $500.00/camp deposit is required. The Camp Deposit (once accepted) guarantees your spot in the Camp. CAMP DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE, NON-CREDITABLE AND NON-TRANSFERRABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS
CAMP BALANCE: Camp Balance payments are due 90 Days before the first day of your camp. This includes any amount owing for stabling/accommodations. If paying your camp deposit by cheque, please include a credit card number OR include a post-dated cheque for your balance payment. CAMP BALANCES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NONTRANSFERRABLE,
Cancellation within 90 days of camp: the $500 deposit is forfeited – NO EXCEPTIONS. The remaining amount will be applied to a credit. Credits are valid for one calendar year and can be used for Jonathan Field Horsemanship DVDs or equipment. Credits can also be applied to another clinic or camp if space allows.
How many riders are in each camp?
Camps are limited to 16 riders each. In keeping the groups at this size, Jonathan is able to ensure that he can spend some one-on-one time with each rider during their stay.
Will I learn directly from Jonathan during the Camp?
Yes – all day, every day! There are no Jonathan Field Horsemanship instructors other than Jonathan himself, so your time at James Creek Ranch (and at all Clinics), is spent learning from him. If Jonathan has an assistant working and travelling with him, he may ask this person to step in and assist a student in a specific task, but this is only done under Jonathan’s direction and guidance.
See Jonathan LIVE! and do some shopping

Jonathan Field Presentations, Demonstrations and Clinics at horse expositions across North America.
Come see Jonathan LIVE as he presents theory sessions, clinics with horses & riders, and demonstrations with his own horses during these fun-filled and education packed shows!
Don’t forget to stop by the Jonathan Field Horsemanship booth for your chance to meet Jonathan, do some shopping and fill out a free Draw Slip for your chance to win one of the great prizes that he gives away at each of his clinics!
Hope to see you there!
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